The Leibster Award

Before being nominated for this award I had no idea about it. What’s the purpose and whom is it given to and what’s the history. Now, that I know , I thank my friend ‘her beauty affair‘ for this kind gesture because this really means a lot to me. I believe awards like this can help our blogger community grow hand in hand. This is a very exciting way to promote, support and socialize with other bloggers. Being, a new member of this community I really needed to be involved in such type of an activity. I hope that with the help of this award I can grab some attention towards my blog and I hope you guys like my blog posts. Please don’t forget to follow.

Now,to those of you, who don’t know about Leibster award, let me explain and introduce it in more detail. I honestly does not have knowledge that who originated it but I can very well explain it’s purpose. This award is given to the new bloggers. The motive is to motivate new bloggers and encourage them to grow.

LEIBSTER AWARD- To discover new blogs
LEIBSTER AWARD- To discover new blogs

Rules to be followed:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you .
  • Answer the 11 questions that blogger gives you.
  • Nominate 5-11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award (My Request  Please make sure you link them so other readers can reach them easily.)
  • Let the bloggers know you nominated them
  • Give them 11 questions of your own.

Okay so now I’ll be answering those 11 questions which were assigned to me:

1] Where do you reside ?

I reside in Lahore, Pakistan for quite some time now. 🙂

2] Are you a spontaneous planner or someone who takes time to plan something?

Honestly, It’s different every time. I cannot place myself in one category. Some of my plans are spontaneous and some of them are well planned. 🙂

3] Who is your inspiration ?

My inspiration for being a beauty blogger was no one. I decided to get into this own my own. But now I do look up to some incredible and successful beauty bloggers such as Nayabloves and Thedesiwonderwoman. 🙂

4] Eyebrows or lipstick? Which one would you choose if you are in a rush!

I’d choose the lipstick. My eyebrows are well defined naturally but they are not perfect. But, with my lips, I really need to hide the pigmentation so I may put on my Favorite Sugar lip gloss or My L’Oreal Paris Nude lip creme. They work with everything. ^_^

5] How would your friends describe you?

Well, I really need to guess here, because such a question should be asked to them. They may describe me shy as long as I’m not frank with other person. They also describe me as ‘mini packet’ most of the time because of my lean personality. 😛

6]What was the best phase of your life?

My college life was the best phase of my life!No doubts about it. I made friends for life in my A levels and I cannot forget that golden moments we have spend together. ❤ I always wish that time to come back again.

7] Ideal weekend for you is..?

A really nice movie hangout with my buddies or candle light romantic dinner with my hubby. ^_^

8] What would like to change about yourself ?

Extinction of my laziness. I want to remain active all the time. But I always manage to fall in the deep pit of laziness, ruining all day long ‘to do’ tasks.

9] Perfect shoes or Perfect jewelry ?

Perfect shoes! I’m a shoe lover. I think the right shoes can boost up your personality. ‘Give the lady right shoes, and she can change the world’ 😉

10] Favorite pass time ?

Stalking other bloggers, reading their reviews and searching ways to improve my blog and writing some great content. ^_^ It’s all about blogs ❤

11]  If genie granted you 3 wishes , what would you wish for ?

  • Best Akhirah (as every Muslim would wish)
  • All time health for me and my family
  • Happiness ❤

Now, here is the list of lovelies that I’d like to nominate for this award:

  1. The pink velvet blog
  2. Aimen Atiq
  3. Versatile Laraib
  4. Beauty learnings
  5. Ann makeup blog
  6. Reej blog
  7. Mahnoor 2 blog
  8. The girl and her curls
  9. The fashion personal
  10. Dress that mess
  11. The crazy ammi blog

 These are my questions to the participants whom I have nominated above:

  1. Where do you live?
  2. What are you’re most important- must have 4 beauty products?
  3. What beauty product do you use every day of your life?
  4. Who is your inspiration in blogging world?
  5. What piece of advice would you like to give to your fellow bloggers?
  6. How can we help each other in blogging community to create a healthy bloggers’ society?
  7. What tips would you like to give to your fellow bloggers regarding blog promotion?
  8. Which is your favorite cosmetics brand?
  9. What is your greatest tip for flawless skin?
  10. What are your final goals related to your blog?
  11. In your opinion, what investments are necessary to make in order to run a successful and high traffic blog?

    So lovelies with this I’d like to end this post. Please don’t forget to check out my other blog posts and do follow me for future blog posts. I wish we keep on spreading love in the society and makes this world a better place. Loads of love ❤

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Hey thank you answering my questions 😘😘😘 you deserve this award ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. blogsbyamna says:

      Thank you dear ❤ Very kind of you ^_^


  2. Versatile Laraib says:

    Thanks For Nominating Me Love. I’ll Answer Your Questions Soon 😘😘
    Lots Of Love

    Liked by 1 person

    1. blogsbyamna says:

      you’re always welcome. ❤ ^_^ Do let me know when you're blogpost is live. I'd love to read it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Versatile Laraib says:

        Sure 😉 :*


  3. LavenderLife says:

    Congrats on the award! Nice that you’d wish all time health for your family 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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